Wednesday, January 31, 2007

"I am Your child."

I never understand the people who believe in a callous Goddess. "She's out there, but She let's me do what I want- get into trouble if I want, and She's definitely not going to help me out. I have to be strong for myself. She doesn't help Her children."

I've tried to understand their point. But I can't. Every single time I have been overwhelmed or in great pain or completely drowning, I call out to Her- and every single time, I feel this perfect, divine, comforting prescence that fills me and upholds me and carries me through the worst of it. I don't know if I could have survived Jenn's visit to the emergency room Monday night if it wasn't for the Goddess. I've never felt more frightened in my life (I was terrified, actually)- and every single time it got to be too much, I would pray to Her, and I felt at peace.

That's not a chemical reaction. That's not a hallucination. That's not a "sensitive, wishy-washy woman thing." It's real- it's honest... it's the truest thing I know.

I often wonder if they've never tried asking... the people that believe the Goddess will not help you. I often wonder if they've ever prayed to Her... if they've ever asked Her to come into their lives and fix things... Because She would, you know.

I've had experiences that I call my miracles. I honestly do not have to have faith anymore... I have experienced the Goddess in a way that caused me no longer to believe. But to know. There's a great gap of difference between the two.

This past month, I was the sickest in my life, and some of the worst things happened. Without my faith, I don't know where I'd be.

This is entirely based on the book I'm currently reading - Dancing the Goddess Incarnate. It's a great book... save for the chapter when they mention that you have to do everything yourself... that the Goddess will never help you out. I just found myself shaking my head, disbelieving. Is this honestly what the authors think? Have they ever asked?

No matter who you are, what you do or what you believe, you're going to need help at some point in this life. I don't care who you believe in... Just believe. And never be afraid to call out for help.

We're only human. We may be amazing, beautiful and partially divine creatures, but we also need a little help now and then. I, for one, know that my Divine Mother will never think me too old to hold me, comfort me and "make it all better." And that's something I can be unendingly grateful for.


Blogger mead0wlea said...

I must commend you in your utter and complete faith in the way the goddess may move through your life, and as express as so despite of common belief and even conceptualism. While it is a common understanding of many who practise the goddess-crafts, that she is not beackoned by the prayers of her children. Many, like yourself find the contrary, and see the goddess rise to aid in overcomming challenges within their lives. But i must give this one P.O.V...

Prayer is inactive spiritualism that effectively relinquishes the control of your life to the higher deity. While this is accepted practise with the followers of Yahweh and The Christ, Jesus, and other monotheistic paths, the path of the goddess is of an occultic origin.. Occultic(active) as apossed to Mystic(passive)..
So in this revelation the path of the goddess asks that we be pro-active with the engergies within the universe, and that we ourselves vigilantly tend to them, and keep them inorder.

It is the ordainances of the goddess-worshpper to shape and mould their surroundings, as is within any occultic practitioner.

But who says we cant ask for help from the great wonder herself every now and then..? Only those who cannot see how she helps them everyday..

Blessed be.


12:39 AM  
Blogger Alex Pendragon said...

Of course the Goddess will be there for you, because she is within you, always has been, always will be. You need only the belief that she is there and that when you need comfort you only need invoke it. Unlike the Christian's God, we do not have to grovel on bended knee hoping to get an almighty's attention and benevolence, or that we might have to accept no help, due to "mysterious ways". You will get what you need by asking and by, more importantly, expecting.

10:10 PM  

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