I Resolve to Eat More Chocolate
I've never been a resolution sort of girl. I assumed that if I really wanted to do something in the year, I wouldn't have to promise myself it'd get done. I'm a free spirit, so tying myself down with obligations never seemed like the best idea- even if they were obligations to myself.
This year, I'm approaching the thought of resolutions with a spiritual mindset... meaning I'm going to have fun with them. So I sat down, and stared at a blank piece of paper and asked the Goddess for wisdom. And levity. This is what I came up with:
This one was kind of easier said than done. I have the tendancy- free spirit aside- to worry about large, hard to handle things. I consider a wedding sort of massive- like an elderly elephant that will really do what it wants to do. And buying a house? Sort of like a brontosaurus... but slightly less extinct. Either way, they're both very large animals. The saying goes, you can eat an elephant if you take one bite at a time... did anyone ever ask the elephant what he thought of that?
2. Get up early enough in the morning to do yoga or belly dance. Every morning.
I do yoga and belly dance... after work. Or during work on my lunch break. I'm all about having spiritual moments during the incredibly mundane, but how enlightened could anyone possibly get while thinking about spreadsheets? A yoga (or belly dance) morning practice has been a wish of mine for years... It's my NotAMorningPersonItis that results in it not being a reality. Until this year! Really! Goddess help me!
3. Memorize two to three poems a month.
There was a time when I could recite Shakespeare and Byron and Keats at any moment... I had an appropriate poetry stanza for any situation, and even if I didn't feel like sharing my very weird habit with the world, I could gleefully think about it. (I really should have been an English professor.) I miss it... and I realize that many of the poems need brushing up on... and there were poems I never got to... and it makes you all smart and stuff to memorize things. So I said: Why not? Bring on the Dickinson! :D
4. Write novels. Alot of them.
I do that anyway. Just... more. And better. Maybe with fewer vampires and incredibly dramatic gay men. (My favorite characters!)
5. Take time for myself each week.
Wouldn't we all like to do that? Have this blessed moment of free time completely devoid of obligation, worry and a hectic schedule? It's hard to attain in this busy world... but it's also absolutely essential. It's probably the only promise I can make for myself freely... I intend to have incredibly blissful aromatherapy laden baths~
6. Read a kabillion books. Maybe a kabillion and one.
In all the hustle and bustle of a writer's life, there's often precious few moments to read another writer's work... and yet it's absolutely essential. It's a strange situation. Reading has always been my favorite thing to do- in this coming year, I'm going to do alot more of my favorite thing~
I feel for the coming year a very fresh, light start... like the opening of windows on the first day of spring... all the cares of the winter gradually melt in the brisk wind of change. I'm ready for it!
May your 2007 be perfect and bright~
This year, I'm approaching the thought of resolutions with a spiritual mindset... meaning I'm going to have fun with them. So I sat down, and stared at a blank piece of paper and asked the Goddess for wisdom. And levity. This is what I came up with:
This one was kind of easier said than done. I have the tendancy- free spirit aside- to worry about large, hard to handle things. I consider a wedding sort of massive- like an elderly elephant that will really do what it wants to do. And buying a house? Sort of like a brontosaurus... but slightly less extinct. Either way, they're both very large animals. The saying goes, you can eat an elephant if you take one bite at a time... did anyone ever ask the elephant what he thought of that?
2. Get up early enough in the morning to do yoga or belly dance. Every morning.
I do yoga and belly dance... after work. Or during work on my lunch break. I'm all about having spiritual moments during the incredibly mundane, but how enlightened could anyone possibly get while thinking about spreadsheets? A yoga (or belly dance) morning practice has been a wish of mine for years... It's my NotAMorningPersonItis that results in it not being a reality. Until this year! Really! Goddess help me!
3. Memorize two to three poems a month.
There was a time when I could recite Shakespeare and Byron and Keats at any moment... I had an appropriate poetry stanza for any situation, and even if I didn't feel like sharing my very weird habit with the world, I could gleefully think about it. (I really should have been an English professor.) I miss it... and I realize that many of the poems need brushing up on... and there were poems I never got to... and it makes you all smart and stuff to memorize things. So I said: Why not? Bring on the Dickinson! :D
4. Write novels. Alot of them.
I do that anyway. Just... more. And better. Maybe with fewer vampires and incredibly dramatic gay men. (My favorite characters!)
5. Take time for myself each week.
Wouldn't we all like to do that? Have this blessed moment of free time completely devoid of obligation, worry and a hectic schedule? It's hard to attain in this busy world... but it's also absolutely essential. It's probably the only promise I can make for myself freely... I intend to have incredibly blissful aromatherapy laden baths~
6. Read a kabillion books. Maybe a kabillion and one.
In all the hustle and bustle of a writer's life, there's often precious few moments to read another writer's work... and yet it's absolutely essential. It's a strange situation. Reading has always been my favorite thing to do- in this coming year, I'm going to do alot more of my favorite thing~
I feel for the coming year a very fresh, light start... like the opening of windows on the first day of spring... all the cares of the winter gradually melt in the brisk wind of change. I'm ready for it!
May your 2007 be perfect and bright~