Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I'm quite sick at the moment. It's almost noon, and the *concept* of food makes me queasy. Drinking WATER makes me queasy. And all I can think about is my addiction to lip balm and the fact that I haven't any and the fact that my lips are all sorts of chapped. And I'm sneezing alot. Whine, whine, whiiiiiiiiine.

But Thanksgiving is here in two days! Yay for gratitude! (It's times like these when I'm supposed to get extra points for my optimistic attitude.)

Pagans are a notoriously grateful breed. At least... we try to be. Living in the moment has all sorts of advantages... especially when viewed from a grateful heart. However, we are still- sadly- human. We curse at the can opener, really bad drivers, computers and coffee makers. We may be just *that* much closer to enlightenment of some sort, but that doesn't make life any easier.

So then why the gratitude? Yule is coming! The days grow shorter, and we see less and less of our own bright star. Yet, it is in the darkness that people come together to build fires, laugh, make merry and band together to bring up each other's spirits... and our own.

Several centuries ago, Native Americans did something pretty awesome for a couple ex-patriots. They gave thanks for that act of kindness. But don't forget- we've been giving thanks for millenia.

When you're filling your belly with cranberry sauce and fluffy stuffing, don't forget the real reason behind the season. If you feel the urge to be mad at the coffee maker- be mad. Just don't forget that 364 days out of the year it gives you a glorious cup o'joe. I never met a Pagan that didn't like their cup o'joe.

It's the little things. Be grateful.


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